A book about cats that will make you smile and laugh.....   To preview, click underlined chapters!

Table of Contents
Nine steps to becoming a crazy cat lady
Nine cat rules
How can you tell if you are a cat lover
Famous Cat Hangouts
Nine reasons why a kitten is better than a baby
Nine reasons why cats are like women
Nine things a cat does really well
Nine ways to call your kitty home
Nine cat breeds from around the world
The language of the cats' tail
Nine famous cat owners
Nine cat translations
Nine of my cat poems
Nine reasons why a cat is like a teen
Nine reasons why you look like your cat
Nine cat cartoons
Nine "whiskers" as a fashion statement
My cat Rhoman's Family Tree
Rhoman and Double takes
Copyright © 2009 - Vic Mackenzie - Contact: Vic@VicMackenzie.com